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Shale Hydrofracking



Shale Hydrofracking

In the past fifteen to twenty years, the United States has begun a process to extract fossil fuel from below the earth’s surface with the purpose of retrieving substantial fossil fuel. The process that has begun is called “hydrofracking.” One may ask, “What exactly is “hydrofracking”?”According to a fact sheet from Energy Vision, “hydrofracking” is a way of removing gas from the earth’s rock formations by attacking the formations with water, sand, and chemicals. By doing this, the gas is forced to be released.  Recently, this method has come under great attack, and for good reasons. “Hydrofracking” is providing several harmful effects for the country. “Hydrofracking” will provide many benefits to the country when it decreases some of the undesirable side effects it produces.

First of all, “hydrofracking” is hurting the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency admits that the removing of natural gas resources lets harmful pollutants into the air. Some of these include methane and volatile organic compounds. With such harmful pollutants making their way into the atmosphere, shale “hydrofracking” needs some revision. The contamination cannot continue.

Second, “hydrofracking” is negatively affecting U.S. citizens.  Recently, “hydrofracking” has been reported to affect the water supply. Residents in Wyoming reported that their water had been contaminated due to hydraulic fracturing. The Environmental Protection Agency checked into the claim and reported its validity. The negative impacts of drilling for shale oil can be stopped, and efforts are being made to do so. Kate Galbraith of the Texas Tribune reported that reports will have to be given of the chemicals used for shale drilling. They also have to report the amount of water being used. Measures such as this will help in keeping down many undesirable effects.

Third, shale “hydrofracking” will provide positive benefits to the country.  John Dyni of the USGC provided research done on oil-shale deposits. He give many benefits that the continuation of hydraulic fracturing would have. The shale resources are found across the globe, but little is known about the supply. While the exact amount of the natural gas is uncertain, Lisa Sumi of Earthworks explained that a vast supply can be extracted. “Hydrofracking” will also be able to provide many Americans with jobs. The U.S. Energy Information Administration also stated that America’s reliance on imported fuel will decrease with increases in domestic natural gas production

Hydraulic fracturing cannot be ignored. It is real and happening. Currently, there are several flaws in its process that need to be worked out to make drilling safer for the environment and the United States citizens. Once these are resolved, “hydrofracking” could have substantial benefits for the country and over the entire world. The drilling would provide a usable natural resource that would be able to be consumed for years to come.


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